Saturday, March 1, 2025

Rhythm in the Home: A Four Week Journey

Rhythm in the Home 
~ a Four Week Journey
:: March 3rd to March 31st ::

I’ve been receiving a lot of questions about the Rhythm eCourse, and I want to share a quick update! The course begins Monday, and there’s still time to join. You can also work at your own pace, so don’t worry if life feels busy right now. People are continuing to sign up, and if you’d like to experience the energy of the group, this is a great time to jump in.

This Rhythm eCourse is the foundation of my work, originally launched in 2010 as the first online course in the Waldorf community. It’s designed to provide you with solid, practical tools to build a harmonious daily rhythm. Since then, I’ve been offering online classes for parents, caregivers, and early childhood educators. Each month, I release a new eCourse on a different topic to help families bring these helpful practices into their homes

I’ve always been committed to keeping my eCourses affordable so they remain accessible to as many families as possible, without compromising on quality. This course offers far reaching, practical insights designed to support you and your family in creating a peaceful, purposeful rhythm.

If you’re wondering whether this course is right for you, consider these questions:

  • Do you struggle with rhythm?
  • Does rhythm feel like something elusive that you just can’t quite grasp?
  • Are you a parent, caregiver, or early childhood educator looking for more structure in your day?
  • Do you wonder what to do with your child each day?
  • Are you falling into bed exhausted at the end of each day?
  • Have you ever been amazed at how Waldorf kindergarten teachers seem so calm, singing through the day, kneading dough, baking bread, chopping vegetables, making soup, coloring, and painting with children?
  • Would you like to create more harmonious rhythms in your home or with the children you care for?
  • Do you wish there was more time in your day for the things that matter most?
  • Are you often in a rush to figure out what’s for dinner, only to feel overwhelmed?
  • Are you struggling with tired, hungry, cranky children while preparing meals?

If any of this resonates with you, I’d love to have you join us

Before we had electricity, lights and heat available at the flip of a switch, people lived in harmony with nature's rhythms. We slept at night and worked in the light of the day. We chopped wood, carried water and kindled fires. The stars guided travelers. Food was only available when it was ripe locally or simply preserved. We lived in the rhythms of the natural world, deeply connected and carried along through the year without conscious attention. It simply was the way to do things. Habit.

We deeply felt the earth's rhythms through the day, the months and all through the year people celebrated significant turnings in the wheel of the year. The stirring of the seeds. The flowering. The harvest. The going in.

Nowadays, we can flip a switch and experience light and heat. We no longer live in the rhythms of nature. With all our connectivity, we have disconnected from the rhythm of life. 

Yet we are rhythmic beings and when we find our way into a rhythm that flows for ourselves and our families, we find harmony, peace of mind, inspiration for new endeavors and time to take up activities that deeply nourish our families and ourselves as parents. We can bring rhythm into our lives with conscious attention.

Our children need rhythm. Children thrive when their lives are rhythmic. It is so healthy and nourishing for children to live a predictable life. Rhythm supports the healthy development of the child, of the senses, the emotions, the ability to play and the ability to transition from one activity to the next. Rhythm supports family life and the household. Rhythm helps us breathe when we are frustrated and nourishes us to be healthy by carrying us along when we need it .

A pretty table nourishes the soul. 

What we take up in the eCourse:
  • We’ll examine rhythm as the foundation of early childhood in Waldorf education.
  • We’ll identify what disrupts rhythm and how to overcome those challenges.
  • We’ll discover ways to create a natural, flowing rhythm throughout the day.
  • We’ll see how rhythm nurtures imagination, playfulness, and creativity in children.
  • We’ll explore how meals become healthier and more enjoyable with rhythm.
  • We’ll find ways to bring children into the daily tasks of the household.
  • We’ll cultivate peaceful bedtimes and restful sleep through a strong rhythm.
  • We’ll establish a rhythm for housework that supports the whole family.
  • We’ll smooth transitions and create ease in daily life.
  • We’ll look at how rhythm strengthens homeschooling.
  • We’ll see how a steady rhythm makes home a sanctuary.
  • We’ll craft a rhythm that truly works for your family.
  • We’ll find a starting point, implement changes, and build on them over four weeks.
  • We’ll explore how rhythm not only supports daily life with children but also carves out time for yourself.
  • We’ll consider the role of breathing in establishing a healthy rhythm.
  • We’ll have daily reminders and warm, enthusiastic support.
  • Most of all, this eCourse will gently guide you toward discovering your own rhythm ~ helping you be more present with your child, with yourself, and in your life.


Celebrate the Rhythm of Life 
Harmonious Rhythms ::  Parenting with Soul :: Waldorf Homeschooling

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