Waldorf in the home may refer to:
- Waldorf homemaking
- Waldorf parenting
- Waldorf homeschooling
- Waldorf Nursery Care Program
- Waldorf Morning Garden Program
An Approach
Waldorf education is an educational approach, not a philosophy or method, but an approach based on spiritual science, also known as anthroposophy. It was developed by Rudolf Steiner in the early 20th century and is based on a particular picture of the human being, with stages of development that the child goes through. (Adults have our own stages of development, that’s for another post.) Bringing aspects of Waldorf education into the home can be nourishing to all, and provide a strong foundation for healthy family life.
Waldorf education emphasizes the right thing at the right time. The Waldorf approach isn’t against things like movies and yoga and dance lessons for young children, it’s for them - at the right time developmentally.
The subjects of the grades school curriculum are not arbitrary, and the layout of the kindergarten is done with clear intent, from the colors to the materials in the room, to the particular stories that are told, it’s that way for a reason.
Waldorf education emphasizes the development of the whole child, with an emphasis on imagination, free play and exploration, learning through the arts (rather than learning about the arts) in an environment that is warm, beautiful and connected to the broader community.
When people talk about Waldorf in the home, they often mean incorporating Waldorf ways into their family life and parenting practices.
When people talk about Waldorf in the home, they often mean incorporating Waldorf ways into their family life and parenting practices.
Aspects of Waldorf in the home:
Rhythm, Repetition and Reverence Imaginative Play
Natural Materials
Artistic Experiences
Nourishing Meals
Time in Nature
Good Sleep and Time for Rest
Purposeful Work to Imitate
Minimal Screen Time
Respect for Child Development
Atmosphere of Gratitude, Reverence, Awe and Wonder
Joy, Humor and Happiness
Atmosphere of Warmth and Love
Adults Working on their Inner Development
I originally began this piece with a small blurb on each of the elements. Then it started to feel unwieldly in its length. So instead I'll take them up separately, maybe here on the blog or on my Instagram account over here.
Thanks for reading!