Saturday, November 16, 2013

15 Days of Gratitude

 Day One 

As the days of November lose their golden glow and the last leaves dance from the trees, bare branches continue to reach up to the light, skeletal like. Perhaps it is the need for food, shelter and warmth, so necessary to survive the cold and snow that winter brings, that illuminates the abundance of the earth and goodness of its inhabitants, a need that draws people together to celebrate the harvest and give thanks for the abundance of life.

As this time of year is one of reflection on gratitude, I am challenging myself to post daily until the end of November something simple from daily life that arouses gratitude within me. Fifteen days of gratitude. I invite you to join me and leave a link with a note in the comments below.

“Let gratitude be the pillow upon which you kneel to say your nightly prayer. And let faith be the bridge you build to overcome evil and welcome good.”  ~ Maya Angelou

1 comment:

  1. We're doing a countdown as well - . I'm having my daughters write down each day what they are grateful for. For the first day, my older daughter said "friends" and my younger daughter said "family." I am most grateful for having two loving and compassionate daughters who joined our family through adoption.


I love to hear from you, do say hello when you stop by and leave a link to what is happening with you.

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