Saturday, February 18, 2012

Oh will you be my Valentine?

Will you? Yes, you.

Hello friends, it has been nearly two years now since I began to show up in this space and write a bit about my life, a bit about Waldorf education, a bit about parenting, striving to find my voice, to figure out what it is I am writing about. Is it our family life? Is it reflections on my children? Is it about Waldorf education? Is it as a teacher or as a mother? or both?

I'm not sure.

I've been trying to find my way through this blog world. I love visiting your blogs and connecting with you. It is fun to see where you live and how your children are growing. I love the recipes and craft ideas too.  I love most knowing that other moms, like me, are striving to hold it all together, to be present with their children and to find themselves and their voice among adults at the same time.

I imagine we are having tea together around the crackling fire of the wood stove in the playroom, each of us seeking a place to rest our cup, out of the grasp of little hands. This is my picture of us. You give me comfort that I am not alone in my challenges, in my strivings. You inspire me to keep on keeping on. You help me see the beauty along the way as well. I am grateful for that.

I'm thrilled to make connections with you in person. It was delightful to meet Mary at the WECAN conference last weekend. I feel like I have known you for years. I look forward to meeting Megan this spring too. Hopefully we won't be buried under snow this time,or if we are, we'll have an alternative plan, like skiing, so we connect no matter what.

I am flattered and honored to hear that early childhood teachers and parents read my blog too and enjoy it but do not comment. I'd love to hear from you. It's a bit like putting oneself in the window of the pet store. "Ah, cute puppy" or "no, not that one." Tap on the window pane with your comment below. I like to know that you have passed by. And it gives me a path to you as well.

We had a sweet Valentine's day this year. It began with a spectacular rose red sunrise that went on and on and on for what seemed like a while but was only a brief few moments, sort of like childhood, I though as I was rousing my sixteen year old that morning...

Valentine's continued with some sweets and a stone in each child's Valentine dish set out by the bed. I received  lovely hand made Valentines too, some hung on doors, one on the ironing board. Now isn't that a good reason to iron?

We had a visit from the secret Valentine too.

Because Valentine's is so much fun we are stretching it out over the week. Here's a sweet little ditty for you.
If apples were pears
And peaches were plums
And the rose had a different name.
If tigers were bears
And fingers were thumbs
I'd love you just the same.

Wishing you and yours all the love in the world and many moments of sweetness this week.

Happy Weekending!


PS I'd love to know you were here. Leave a link to your blog and say hello.


  1. bless you. how sweet and thank you for the lovely ditty! It made me smile. I, like you, have heard that people are reading my blog, but i get very few comments and wonder how i can encourage more. its lovely to know people are passing by and reading! So here i am. one of your readers! saying hi!
    My blog.....
    Please pop by and say hi!! xx

  2. Hello dear Lisa,
    Those sunrise pictures are spectacular. What a blessing to wake up and witness that love in the sky! I for one am truly thankful for what you share. A gentle, wise voice and heart. If I see a post from you I always take the time to stop and read. I have been contemplating stopping blogging recently. I shall see.. I mostly blog as a journal of memories of my children's times and times spent with them and what we share, enjoy together although I am not sure if I want to share that publicly any longer. Love and best wishes to you, Kelly

  3. Bless you. I am just writing my valentines day blog. I will let you know when I finish it. Many Blessings.

  4. I am guilty of being a blog watcher but never commenting so here I am breaking my silence, I am definately writing down that little poem ready for next year, it is so sweet. That sky is so beautiful too x
    Please come on in to my blog too
    Warmly x

  5. Wow, what beauty in the sky and you captured it! I have recently found your blog and have spent time looking things up and enjoying your words and images, and not letting you know. In the future I will give back with a comment. I don't know how you live such a rich life with children AND blog, but I am grateful to you.

  6. Hi Lisa,I too am guilty of stopping by your blog now and again since 2010 and never leaving a comment. So today I would like to say Hi! I loved your image of us all huddled around the wood stove. I think my cup of tea would be strategically hidden behind one of the chair legs of the seat I am sitting in, with me at the ready to quickly swoop up the cup before it finds its way into little hands. Could you let me know what kind of stone was left for the children? My blog is in it's infancy (only 3 weeks old!).

  7. Sounds like the perfect Valentine's Day! Thank you for sharing your lovely photos and sweet memories.

  8. Hello! I'm another reader who hasn't yet commented. I love soaking in inspiration for my own life with two little ones. I also have a blog in infancy at


I love to hear from you, do say hello when you stop by and leave a link to what is happening with you.

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