Saturday, March 13, 2010

Kim John Payne

Kim John Payne spoke in City Hall last night. Today he is doing a workshop at the Waldorf School. What an engaging speaker he is! He described Cumulative Stress in children as a malaise akin to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. He recommends four steps to take to reduce stress for children. Can you guess what one of them is? That's right, to bring Rhythm, Predictability and Boundaries to the child's life so the child feels secure in the world and has room for play, for boredom, for the great out breath. He discussed his research and how he found that this and the other three steps to foster simplicity (more on them after the workshop) foster brain growth and learning and eliminate so many of the hindrances for the "D" generation (A.D.D., A.D.H.D., O.C.D., O.D.D.)

I'm riding my bike there and that means mud.

Better be off in case I get stuck in the mud!


  1. Hi Lisa,
    I know! Kim Payne is amazing. I was so blessed to be able to spend an extended weekend with him in Bellevue, WA for the Simplicity Parenting Group Leader training. My first Simplicity Parenting group starts this morning with 6 families. I'm so excited to bring this beautiful work to the community. I share your enthusiasm, mama. I hope you'll stop by and visit my blog at I will certainly support your blogging efforts - welcome to the blogosphere!

  2. Congratulations Raelee on your first group, how did it go? I first heard Kim John Payne at The Soul of Discipline Conference in 2005. It touched me so deeply and has continued to inspire me through the years. His work seems so fresh yet timeless and so needed in these times. I am taking up a study of the Social Inclusion work.
    Thank you for the warm welcome, I will come over and visit your blog today.


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